Welcome to our new website!

13 Jan, 2020
Welcome to our new website!

(pictured above, your friendly Denver Chafee program team!)

We hope you find our updated website to be an easy-to-use and helpful resource. We have included information related to many topics associated with adulthood and living independently. In addition to topics and resources, we'll share thoughtful and timely information related to living a happy and successful adult life in our independent living blog.

Some key sections of the website for you to check out:

Guide to Adulthood
Covers topics related to becoming a successful adult. There is information on areas you want to be successful in when mastering adulthood, providing useful information and links to resources. General topics include Community, Housing, Education and Training, Employment and Careers, Money, and Health and Wellness. You will find many other topics listed under these main categories.

Get Involved
Resources for getting involved in your community and giving back.

Tools and Guides
Helpful independent living resources for professionals, and a Quick Links section that provides links to a variety of topics and resources listed throughout this website. You can also find the referral form for the Denver County Chafee program to help you get Chafee services for someone you work with or for yourself.

A calendar of community events and events specifically designed for youth working with the Denver Chafee program.

About Chafee
Overview of the Chafee program.

Our website is always a work in progress, so we welcome feedback and suggestions for resources to list on our website. Please use the Contact Us button to reach out to us.

We hope you find this website helpful in your journey through life, toward a happy and successful future!